Arrival & Dismissal

Ralph Bunche School-P.S. 125 students are expected to come directly to school and go home by the safest possible route.  On their way to and from school, students are to conduct themselves courteously and obey all school and traffic rules.

RBS students should arrive at school between 8:00 a.m. and 8:10 a.m.  Any student that arrives at school prior to 8:00 a.m., no earlier than 7:40 a.m., must report directly to the cafeteria.  Students may not walk through the campus for any reason.

School doors open at 7:40 a.m. We do not provide supervision before 7:40 a.m. Any unattended students will be reported to the authorities.
Breakfast will be served at 7:40 a.m. to 8:05 a.m. Children arriving after 8:10 a.m. will not be served breakfast.
Students arriving after 8:10 a.m. need to sign in at the office with a parent.  Late students will be given a tardy pass to enter class. 
At 8:00 a.m. (grades 1 – 5) students are to go directly to the playground.  Students should not be in the hallways, office or between buildings.


Students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. We do not provide supervision after 3:00 p.m. Any students left unattended will be reported to the authorities.
Early pickup: If you need to pick up a student early, they must be signed out through the office.   Only individuals with a photo ID, and that are listed as an emergency contact will be allowed to sign out a child.
[PK and K parents/guardians are the only adults permitted to drop-off and pick up their children at the classrooms. Please note that parents remaining and lingering in the classroom after drop-off is not permitted.]


·       Students are considered late if they are not in their class by 8:10 AM.  Students arriving after 8:10 AM need to be escorted to the office by a parent for a late pass before going to their classrooms.  Students should have a written note that is signed by the parent or guardian explaining the delay. 


The safety of the students is the most important goal during drop-off and pick-up.  We all have the responsibility to see that every child is safe.  In addition, we need to keep traffic moving to facilitate student arrival and dismissal in a timely way.  It is imperative that the following rules are observed:

Children should cross the street only at the 3-way STOP intersection.  It is unsafe to cross anywhere else.
Do not park next to another vehicle (double-parking) and do not let your child run between cars.  Other drivers may not see your child.
Be patient!  You are training your child(ren) on how to follow rules and laws by the example you set.
If students arrive or leave school by walking, they should walk with other students, cross the street only at the pedestrian crosswalks, and go directly to and from school.

Bus riders are required to follow all bus rules and instructions by the bus driver.  Infractions of the bus rules may result in bus reports issued by the bus driver.  The principal will implement consequences on bus reports issued.  Continual infractions of the bus rules may result in the student's loss of bus riding privileges as listed in the Citywide Disciplinary Manual. They may be contacted at (781) 392-8855. You will need your child’s identification number and birthdate to access transportation information.

Students may not use skateboards, skates, or roller blades to, from or at school.  Skateboards are not allowed on any school property at any time as per district and city codes.  Skateboards, skates, and roller blades brought on campus will be confiscated from student and returned to parents.



·       ALL visitors/parents must sign in at the front office and receive a visitor’s pass.

·       Parents are welcome to meet with their child’s teacher at an approved time.  Parents are not permitted to enter classrooms without being escorted by a school administrator.  Violation of this policy may lead to the parent being barred from the building.  We place the safety of our students as a priority.

·       Parents are not to roam the campus without an escort from a school administrator or parent coordinator.

·       PK and K parents/guardians are the only adults permitted to drop-off and pick up their children at the classrooms. Please note that parents remaining and lingering in the classroom after drop-off is not permitted.