Our Vision
Educators are innovators.
VISION: We consider certain skills to be essential for all our graduates: to read well, to write clearly and coherently, to study effectively, to reason soundly, and to question thoughtfully.
Through our academic and extra-curricular programs, we seek to promote social, political, and moral understanding, and to instill a respect for the humanity and ecology of the earth.
We understand that there are many kinds of intelligence and the traditional academic, cognitive area is one. Other important areas of intelligence are intuition, imagination, artistic creativity, physical expression and performance, sensitivity to others, and self-understanding. To neglect any of these areas is to limit students in the development of their full human potential.
We expect teachers to design instruction that incorporates a variety of learning styles, teaching that has meaning and interest for the students and includes inquiry-based lessons that explore and build upon the students’ knowledge base.
We will constantly review what we do and how we do it with a focus on what needs to be refined, changed, or retained; we will offer relevant and meaningful educational experiences through inquiry, critical thinking, creative expression, ethical behavior, and cooperative social interaction.
The acquisition of knowledge, the development of skills, the striving for excellence in all endeavors and maintaining a sense of respect for self and others are essential components of a Ralph Bunche School education. Built into our very fiber is the desire to be on the cutting edge of education.
SCHOOL VALUES: The P.S. 125- The Ralph Bunche School is a community in which each administrator, teacher, student, parent and support staff member is expected to be an active participant in a lifelong journey of learning, and our unique PK-5 program is built on a progressive, developmental model of education. To this end, we are committed to academic excellence, the arts, the greater community, the development of a student population of social, economic, and racial diversity, and the development of each student’s physical well-being and full human potential.
As a career and college preparatory school, we believe in the importance of academic success, inclusive of a child’s emotional and social well-being; this is best achieved in a caring, student-centered environment.
We believe that education must not be a race for the accumulation of facts, but is rather an enriching end unto itself. We also believe that education is a joint venture among students, parents/caregivers and teachers.
We believe that the arts are an essential part of the curriculum and that it is important for students to express themselves creatively and to use their imaginations freely. Thus, arts programs are a significant part of student life at the Ralph Bunche School.
We believe that the uniqueness of children is revealed in their very existence and that it is the school’s responsibility to foster their innate sense of the mystery and joy of life.
Reginald Higgins