Students are permitted to bring the following electronic items to school: 1) cell phones; 2)
laptops, tablets, iPads and other similar computing devices (“computing devices”); and 3)
portable music and entertainment systems, such as iPods, MP3 players, PSP, and
Nintendo DS. P.S. 125—The Ralph Bunche School assumes no responsibility for
electronic items that are brought to school. Electronic items brought to school are
the sole responsibility of the parents/caregivers.
A. The use of cell phones, computing devices and portable music and
entertainment systems at school is subject to the restrictions below.
1. Cell phones and portable music and entertainment systems may not be
turned on or used during the administration of any school quiz, test or
2. Computing devices may not be turned on or used during the administration
of any school quiz, test or examination, except where such use has been
explicitly authorized by the school or is contained in an Individualized
Education Program or Section 504 Accommodation Plan.
3. Use of cell phones, computing devices, portable music and entertainment
systems and other electronic devices during the administration of state
standardized examinations is governed by State Education Department
Rules. Teachers will lock all electronic items in a box with a lock prior to
the administration of state standardized examinations.
4. Cell phones, computing devices and portable music and entertainment
systems may not be turned on or used during school fire drills or other
emergency preparedness exercises.
5. Cell phones, computing devices, and portable music and entertainment
systems may not be used in locker rooms or bathrooms.
B. Cell phones may be used as set forth below (select applicable option(s) or select
other options consistent with Regulation A-413).
During the school day:
• Cell phones must be collected by the school when students enter the school
building and stored in a designated location until the end of the school day.
• Cell phones may not be turned on or used while on school property.
• Cell phones may not be used in areas where swimming pools are located.
• Cell phones may not be turned on or used during instructional time, except for
instructional and educational purposes with the explicit approval of the teacher.
• Cell phones may be used during the following non-instructional times of the
school day: ___________________________________________ in the
following designated areas: Not Applicable
During after-school, school-sponsored programs or activities:
Describe policy for use, considering the nature and location of such activities, and
the time of day such activities take place.
Cell phones are not to be used during after-school activities and/or programs.
C. Computing devices may be used as set forth below (select applicable option(s)
or select other options consistent with Regulation A-413).
During the school day:
• Computing devices may not be used in areas where swimming pools are located.
• Computing systems may not be turned on or used during instructional time,
except for instructional and educational purposes with the explicit approval of
the teacher.
● Computing systems may be turned on and used only during instructional time
for instructional and educational purposes.
● Computing devices may be used during the following non-instructional times
of the school day: ___________________________________________ in the
following designated areas Not Applicable.
During after-school, school-sponsored programs or activities:
Describe policy for use, considering the nature and location of such activities, and
the time of day such activities take place.
D. Computing devices are not to be used during after-school activities and/or
E. Portable music and entertainment systems may be used as set forth below
(select applicable option(s) or select other options consistent with Regulation A-
During the school day:
• Portable music and entertainment systems may not be used in areas where
swimming pools are located.
• Portable music devices and entertainment systems may not be turned on or used
while on school property.
● Portable music devices and entertainment systems may not be turned on or
used during instructional time, except for instructional and educational
purposes with the explicit approval of the teacher.
Portable music devices and entertainment systems may be used during
the following non-instructional times of the school day:
___________________________________________ in the following
designated areas: Not Applicable.
During after-school, school-sponsored activities:
Describe policy for use, considering the nature and location of such activities, and
the time of day such activities take place.
Portable music and entertainment systems are not to be used during after-school
activities and/or programs.
E. Confiscation and return of electronic items
School-based policies must describe the procedures for the confiscation, storage and
return of electronic devices. In determining whether to confiscate an electronic
device, schools should consider the nature of the violation. Where appropriate,
measures should be instituted in a progressive fashion. Such measures may include,
but are not limited to:
• warnings
• confiscation of item and return at end of school day by the teacher
• confiscation of item and return following parent conference
• confiscation of item and return following student entering into behavioral
• revocation of privilege to bring item to school
• confiscation of items and return at end of school day from principal,
guidance counselor, SAVE teacher
F. Discipline
School-based policies must state that students who use cell phones, computing
devices, and/or portable music and entertainment system in violation of any
provision of the DOE’s Discipline Code, the school’s policy, Chancellor Regulation
A-413, and/or the DOE’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (“ISUSP”) will
be subject to discipline in accordance with the guidance interventions and
disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code.
G. Shared Spaces on the Ralph Bunche Campus (auditorium, cafeteria, swimming
pool, gymnasiums, playground, stairways, bathrooms)
During the school day:
• Electronic items are not permitted in areas that are shared spaces between
Columbia Secondary School and KIPP Charter School.
H. Miscellaneous
Cell phones/electronic devices must be turned OFF before you enter any classroom,
office, auditorium, swimming pool, playground, nurse, stairways, cafeteria. Students
may power their phones at the request of the classroom teacher.
Once inside any of the aforementioned locations, students must store their cell
phones/electronic device in a location that is not visible to the teacher or other students,
even though they are OFF. Students may use the device with teacher approval.
If a cell phone/ electronic device rings, vibrates, or is used for any reason without
teacher permission, or is visible anytime during class time or if you are caught using it
on campus during class time, a staff member may confiscate the device.
Refusal to surrender your phone when asked is considered defiance. Defiance may
result in disciplinary consequences, including suspension. Parents/caregivers will be
Cell phones/electronic devices may be used with permission and/or consent from
school based staff during national/state/local emergencies.
P.S. 125—The Ralph Bunche School assumes no responsibility for electronic
items that are brought to school. Electronic items brought to school are the sole
responsibility of the students and parents/caregivers.